to pay by credit card
We use PayPal
(U.S. payment clearing house also used by E-bay) for our credit
card transactions.
Here's how:
In the e-mail
containg the order, please write "credit card" in the
space reserved for Payment Option. We confirm this by sending you
the invoice by e-mail. Soon
after, you will receive an e-mail from PayPal asking for credit
card info (credit card number, expiration date, all the things you're
used to) and when that is done, they tell us that all is OK and
that we can proceed with your order.
Data security:
The PayPal solution
is safe for you, since all credit card data are handled by professionals
using encrypted communications. We at Dancing Bear have no access
to your sensitive data, so we can give our full attention to the
task of getting your merchandise shipped out as quickly as possible.